Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Heart Faces - Week 37

Life is full of giggles for her. Running, singing and random acts of dancing define her. She is passionate, excited and typically unbridled. That's why I find this picture so compelling. I caught her.
This week I Heart Faces is having a completely candid competition. For lots of other great photos, head on over here and check them out:

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this photo as much as I do...


MadeInCanarias said...

What a beauty!

I'm having my first giveaway, come and have a look :)

Ali said...

She is adorable!

Kit Womble Photography said...

Beautiful :) You captured an awesome moment! Great job, and good luck!

Erica said...

she is beautiful and has awesome curls! what a fun shot!

i had trouble with that too but i think you can resize your photo just by clicking on it and dragging the corners down until it fits. what i do instead is upload my pictures to my photobucket account, make sure i upload them either "medium" or "large" size, and then they should be the right size when you put them on your page. good luck! :)

Dea said...

Awww i love it! What a great photo!

Dea said...

Thank you for commenting back and for complimenting my photo! I think your blog is pretty awesome, would you mind if i added you?

Dea said...

yay! Can never have to many friends =]